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Mental Health and Learning Difficulties
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What does mental health have to do with learning disability? A learning disability is not a mental health problem.
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What is anxiety? Anxiety is a vital emotion, warning us of possible future risks or problems.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
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We all have moments when we struggle to like what we see in the mirror. But for someone with BDD, a conviction that something about their body is ugly, disfigured or just wrong has become so strong that it starts to take over their life.
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Dementia is a growing problem, but the church is equipped to help. Dementia affects 800,000 people in the UK. This will almost double by 2050.
Grow Conference Resources 
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Three talks for church leaders on mental health from Edinburgh, March 2024. Audio and Video
Media Type:   Video
Leadership and Vulnerability
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Leaders increasing need to show vulnerability to get the most out of their teams.
Media Type:   Article
WMHD 2023 
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Will highlights the need for greater equality in mental health provision while emphasising the role of local communities, including churches, in promoting mental well-being.
Empowering Educators
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Essential resources to empower educators in addressing mental health challenges in the classroom and beyond.
education, teaching, resources
Carers don’t cause eating disorders 
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Beyond just the person with the eating disorder is their entire carer network - the 24/7 role of a carer watching someone you love suffering this cruel illness. An illness that sweeps through entire homes, families and keeps you awake at all hours.
eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia
Anxiety: The Canary in the Coal Mine (Part II) 
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Part II of our long read exploring why we need to stop trying to treat cultural anxiety and look for the causes instead.
Media Type:   Article
Anxiety: The Canary in the Coal Mine (Part I)
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Part I of our long read exploring why we need to stop trying to treat cultural anxiety and look for the causes instead.
Media Type:   Article
Paul, an Anxious Apostle, and his Framework for Peace
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Paul’s understanding of prayer teaches us that when anxiety comes, if we approach God, ask Him to meet our needs and desires, and give Him thanks for His grace and provision, then we will receive His peace.
Media Type:   Article
Statement: the investigation of safeguarding concerns relating to Mike Pilavachi 
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A statement from the Mind and Soul Foundation about this issue
The Rest is Worship 
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We all find it hard to rest, here Sam and Sara unpack a vision for rest and worship
Media Type:   Article
Money Matters 
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Our finances can often be a hard thing to talk about - here is Stephan from Crosslight with tips for if you're struggling.
Media Type:   Article
finances, worry, debt, help
Have yourself an IMPERFECT year 
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Let yourself and your world NOT be perfect. And why not take a moment in the early days of 2023 to deliberately remind yourself of God's presence in those spaces.
Media Type:   Article
Stress, new year
Hope + Healing in Advent 
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An Advent reflection from Jayne Manfredi
Media Type:   Article
Heading off to Uni?
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Heading off to Uni can be a daunting thing. Here are some top tips from Fusion's Sam Brown
Media Type:   Article
students, community, mental health
Post Trauma Support 
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It can feel paralysingly hard to know how to love and care for someone with trauma. Whether it's a refugee or someone in your family here are our top tips on how to safely support someone struggling.
Making Time to Think 
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Taking the time to process our experiences is so important. Here's some advice and prompts on how to do it really well.
Media Type:   Article
processing, reflection
When Will I Feel Normal Again? 
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On this day of National Reflection, Kate Middleton unpacks the effect the pandemic has had on our emotions and how we can process and recover well.
Media Type:   Article
pandemic perspectives, national day of reflection, covid19, covid-19, covid, ukraine
Fat Jesus and the Desire to be Thin 
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In this personal and raw account Jayne tells her story of living with disordered eating and how she's found hope in Jesus.
Media Type:   Article
eating disorder, anorexia
Student Mental Health
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Leaving home and starting University can stir many emotions which can be hard to know what to do with. Here are some practical tips from Fusion's Sam Brown.
Media Type:   Article
student, mental health, university
Armageddon and Ash Wednesday
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This Ash Wednesday, Will unpacks what it means for us to pay attention to what we live for, and gives some practical tips to help us engage with what we see on the news.
Media Type:   Article
ash wednesday, anxiety, ukraine, war
Being Present and God's Presence 
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In the busyness of life it can be hard to stop and be present to ourselves, and to God too. Olivia Shone offers tips on how to practice this.
Media Type:   Article
mindfulness, presence, christian meditation
Why winning at worldle feels like you’re winning at life 
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Why is Wordle taking the world by storm, and what we can learn from this nifty game?
Media Type:   Article
wordle, creativity, pandemic perspectives
Calm kids in Chaos 
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How do we help our kids stay calm in spite of the chaos they may feel surrounds them?
Media Type:   Article
children, kids
Offer rather than don't offer
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Sometimes not knowing what to say or how to help can feel paralysing, but it's important that reach out to those who are struggling. Who can we reach out to for the good of their mental health?
Media Type:   Article
Returning to Work: Navigating Anxiety, Race and Gender
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Dr Selina Stone helps us understand the different racial and gender microgressions which are often experienced in places of work, and gives some helpful tips for if you're feeling anxious about the return to work.
Media Type:   Article
microaggresions, race, gender, covid19, covid-19, covid
I need more than ‘wellbeing’
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I know that whilst my attempts to retain my wellbeing might be overwhelmed, God’s hand will never let me go.
Media Type:   Article
wellbeing, new year, covid19, covid-19, covid
Christmas Ranking 
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As a society we learn to rank things from an early age, right from our first school report cards. In this article Will shares our need to break out of this need to rank everything and everyone.
Media Type:   Article
comparison, anxiety, ranking
Being Grounded in God 
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To be spiritually grounded infuses our whole physical and inner life, making our whole existence a spiritual and sacred affair.
Media Type:   Article
meditation, mindfulness, christian mindfulness
Covid Psychosis: Fact or Fiction? 
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Recent news coverage has reported that the rate of psychosis has increased over the last year during the pandemic. Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya gives some practical advice.
Media Type:   Article
psychosis, pandemic, mental health
And Yet: The Road to Joy is Paved with Lament 
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The question 'where is God when it hurts?' can be one of the hardest parts of faith. In this article Rachael Newham shares her testimony and explores the power of lament for helping us find joy again.
Media Type:   Article
lament, depression, joy
Still Stressed? How to manage when stretch and pressure keep coming
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Many of us are all too aware of how stressed and worn out we are. What do you do when a season of stress just keeps on and on - and you can't stop?
Media Type:   Article
stress, distress, worry, exhaustion, burnout, conflict
I still believe… World Mental Health Day 2021 
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As we consider the costs on mental health to those suffering deprivation, poverty, isolation and prejudice, Will Van Der Hart encourages us not lose sight of the simple medicine of welcome.
Media Type:   Article
WMHD, equality, hospitality, friendship, welcome, social justice
Valuing Your Body 
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If we want to live richer, fuller lives then we need to live through our bodies as well as our minds. In this article Olivia looks at how we can value our body as part of our spirituality.
Media Type:   Article
meditation, mindfulness, body
Connecting With Your Children Through Stories
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In this article Clare Luther, author of The Little Paws Hotel stories, describes how finding time to connect with your young children about their emotions through stories can have a positive impact on their emotional well being.
Media Type:   Article
children, emotional health, parenting
Start Your Engines Please...
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At the start of a new term we often feel like we need to hit the ground running, but how can we do that when we feel an overwhelming sense of exhaustion?
Media Type:   Article
exhaustion, pandemic, mental health, burnout
Seeing God at Work in Dark Times 
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Rosie reflects how she's experienced God whilst parenting a daughter with serious mental health conditions.
Media Type:   Article
parenting, hope, mental health, children
Starting University in 2021
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Starting university this year? In this article Rich Wilson, movement leader of Fusion gives his top tips for stepping into this next chapter post-pandemic.
Media Type:   Article
Telling New Stories 
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The story of our lives that we live in can help us understand our purpose and who we really are. But sometimes our stories can feel skewed. André Radmall looks at how we can live into God's story for our lives.
Media Type:   Article
emotional health, emotional intelligence, stories
The power of music to help us heal 
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Music is a powerful tool for us both psychologically and spiritually. In this article we take a look at why this is, and discover a new group of musicians helping us to create space to process the pandemic.
Media Type:   Article
music, pandemic
Book Review: I Love Jesus, But I want to Die 
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A review of: "I love Jesus But I Want to Die" by Sarah J Robinson. A book exploring how we can find hope in the darkness of depression.
Media Type:   Article
depression, suicide, recovery, faith
When going back is hard...  
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Find yourself strangely reticent to get back to normal life? Trying to work out why?
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus, anxiety, fear, change
Depression, Faith and Lockdown
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In the pain and darkness of depression George Parsons explains the ways which he's found his faith to have been strengthened.
Media Type:   Article
depression, lockdown
When Freedom brings Fear 
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Levels of anxiety and distress have been significant as people contemplate what release of restrictions means for their own circumstances.
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus, fear, anxiety
Faith, fear and therapy: Recovery from OCD
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In this article Helena explores how to support those with OCD in a practical, faith-filled way.
Media Type:   Article
OCD, fear
Spiritual Receptivity in Times of Challenge
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When walking through challenging seasons of life we often struggle with our faith. In this article Olivia Shone shares how we can give space to God in those places, in a new way.
Media Type:   Article
5 things you might not know about long term illness
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It’s never nice being unwell. But what do you do when a period of ill health turns into something more long term? Here’s 5 things you might not know about long term illness
Media Type:   Article
long-term, chronic illness
Fear of Missing Out?
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As lockdown restrictions ease how can we protect ourselves from the Fear of Missing Out?
Media Type:   Article
anxiety, pandemic perspectives, social anxiety, covid19
Pandemic Kids: Adult Anxiety Over Screen Time
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With children playing more games than ever over this last year of pandemic, many parents and carers are concerned about the impact this will have on their development and mental health.
Media Type:   Article
children, kids, gaming, screen ti
The Three Bears: Anxiety, OCD, Depression 
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In psychological diagnostics things aren't always straightforward. In this article Will explores the nuanced nature of our psychological experiences and approaches to recovery.
Media Type:   Article
depression, anxiety, OCD, diagnosis
Nature and Mental Health 
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How spending time outdoors can help rejuvenate and replenish us.
Media Type:   Article
Healthy Dieting Post Lockdown
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Engaging in healthy and sustainable eating habits as lockdown lifts.
Media Type:   Article
weight, eating, binge eating, pandemic, covid19, covid-19, covid
Supporting teens and young people in unpredictable (+exam) times
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One of the toughest things we’ve faced as parents is not being able to be in control of our children and teens situations. We’ve had our own reactions to that, hitting in a time where many parents are themselves struggling.
Media Type:   Article
teens, young people, exams, parenting
Pivoting OUT of Lockdown 
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Coming out of lockdown is going to be psychologically challenging for many people. Even those who can’t wait to restart normal life might be surprised by some feelings of anxiety as the new normal starts to change.
Media Type:   Article
coronavirus, covid19, covid-19, covid
Control FREAK or GEEK? Covid, chaos and our need for control  
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This last year has stolen our control away in so many of those areas so we have not always been able to even decide when we leave the house. So how DO we manage when things are going on that are outside of our control?
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus
Parenting through Pandemic and beyond: A message of optimism 
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Is there a more optimistic message about the way pandemic has shaped our children than the ones we may have heard?
Media Type:   Article
parenting, coronavirus, covid19, covid-19
Back to work when you have been ill
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Paul speaks to his friend Kelly about going back to work and how Permitted Work can help
Media Type:   Article
work, benefits, permitted work
Covid, conflict and conversations:reflections on lockdown one year on  
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A year after the first lockdown, has apathy kicked in, and have we lost the ability to empathise and show kindness to each other at a time of great challenge and vulnerability?
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus
We are (not) invincible: when you suddenly realise you are vulnerable  
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For the majority of people this pandemic year has made us aware of our personal vulnerability in a new, stark, sometimes even brutal way.
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus
Broken Ground - 1 Year into a Global Pandemic 
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It strikes us how much of the last year has simply been unsettling; that the ground beneath us has become fractured and unfamiliar.
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid, covid-19, coronavirus
Pandemic Perspectives: People Under Pressure 
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Living under huge pressures, how do we restore ourselves, how do we move beyond a sense of burnout and into a life that feels whole and balanced?
Media Type:   Article
#coronavirus, covid19, covid-19, covid
Uninspired, unproductive and unhealthy? How to survive the monotony of home-working
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How do we get through the rest of this working-from-home-season with your sanity and relationships intact?
Media Type:   Article
Pandemic perspectives: Is lockdown producing a 'Tsunami' of eating disorders?
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People suffering with anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders often seek to control their weight when other parts of their life seem out of control, and there’s nothing like a global pandemic to show you the limits of your mastery.
Pandemic Perspectives: The Antidepressant Wave
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Why antidepressants prescribing is soaring.
covid19, covid, covid-19, coronavirus, pandemic perspectives
Faith in Mind [Book Review]
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A new book to bring comfort to those suffering with mental illhealth and an introduction to faith and Bible reading
Media Type:   Book Review
book, mental illness, chaplain
From one mother to another
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The practice of solidarity within Christian churches can make a real difference for people with mental illness
Media Type:   Article
mother, parent, perinatal, toddler, anxiety, solidarity
Pandemic Perspectives: When Sex gets out of Control 
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Many people enjoy a healthy sex life. Sadly, for about 1 in 15 adults in the church the picture is very different. For them, while they know what they are doing goes against everything they believe in and hold dear they do it anyway.
Media Type:   Article
sex, addiction, addictions, pandemic perspectives
Pandemic Perspectives: Managing Post Panic and Doomscrolling 
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Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus, doomscrolling, pandemic perspectives
Pandemic Perspectives: Caring for the Carers 
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The issue of professional burnout is a major concern at this time within the health and care professions.
Media Type:   Article
covid19, pandemic perspectives, coronavirus, covid-19, covid, NHS
Happy Blue Year 
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Media Type:   Article
coronavirus, covid19, covid-19, covid, new year, blue monday
Two-stage Resolutions
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New Year again - just how do I make those changes and resolutions stick?
Media Type:   Article
new year, resolution, learning, experience, change
Comfort and Joy 
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We cannot escape reality this year...But these things do not blot out the presence or reality of good. Good things to come, good promise ahead, and even moments of light and life and pleasure in the midst of all the mayhem.
Media Type:   Article
christmas, covid19, covid-19, coronavirus
When it feels like Christmas is cancelled...   
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When the magic disappears, we are forced to create or find the wonder in new ways.
Media Type:   Article
christmas, Lonliness at Christmas, covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus
The impact of Covid-19 on vulnerable children and what we can do to help 
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Covid-19 exposed and then amplified existing inequalities facing children, meaning those children already facing the worst life chances have felt the greatest burden from the virus.
Media Type:   Article
children, covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus
It's good to talk 
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Let’s not be ashamed to put up our hands, reach to others and ask for support, prayer and guidance. That’s what friends are really for.
Media Type:   Article
Your Emotional Health at Christmas 
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Keeping your festive sparkle at Christmas can be a real challenge, especially within the context of the Covid pandemic.
Media Type:   Article
christmas, covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus
Notes on Self-Isolation 
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The text was from NHS Track and Trace saying please self isolate immediately. As I read the text out I felt shocked. My Dad wisely backed away further down the drive…
Media Type:   Article
coronavirus, covid19, covid-19, isolation
Emergency Generator
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A poem written in a time of crisis - and what helped
Media Type:   Testimony
poem, generator
Isolation Inspiration 
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Isolation isn’t easy, but if we can help our minds comprehend it better, we can remove some of the difficult emotions from it. And there ARE things we can do to manage isolation better.
Media Type:   Article
coronavirus, covid19, covid, covid-19
Sudden loss, mental illness and the long hard road back...
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Ewan shares his grief and bereavement journey after the death of a child
Media Type:   Testimony
grief, bereavement, ECT
It’s a marathon, not a sprint 
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How do you just keep going? It's a question a lot of us are asking right now.
Media Type:   Article
perseverence, anxiety, depression
Living Well with Mental Illness
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A registered mental health nurse and CAP counsellor speaks about her own experience.
Media Type:   Testimony
perinatal, mental illness, CAP
World Mental Health Day 2020 
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This World mental Health Day is unusual in that rather than having a specific theme it is simply entitled, ‘Mental Health for All’. Covid has had the most profound impact on global mental wellbeing of any single event since WWII.
On World Mental Health Day - do we need to take burnout (and our minds) more seriously?
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Burnout is a complex set of experiences and reactions, and perhaps the most challenging thing about it is how hard some of those loops are to break out of.
Media Type:   Article
burnout, stress, exhaustion
When Pastoral Care Turns Sour
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Why do we join and stay in churches?
Media Type:   Testimony
Jesus and Emotions - engaging as families
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As adults, it can seem overwhelming to help our children deal with their emotional response to the coronavirus crisis, when we may not even know how to handle it for ourselves.
Media Type:   Article
family, parenting, children
A Running Community
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How one church started a running group to combat the mental distress of COVID-19
Media Type:   Article
coronavirus, running, covid19, covid-19, fitness
Why is this transition so hard? 
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As I write, I am sitting on a ferry. It seems like the perfect time to write about transitions, not just because I am between countries, but also because I will be entering quarantine when we arrive home.
Media Type:   Article
transistion, covid19, covid-19, coronavirus, change
Locked DOWN but not OUT: how to support teens and the Coronavirus Generation   
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Perhaps one of the most poignant aspects of lockdown, particularly as we’ve continued to journey through the various phases of it, has been the effect it has had on our children and teenagers - now being described by some as the ‘Coronavirus generation'.
Media Type:   Article
headstrong, youth, youngpeople
Food, Fear and Focus in Global Pandemic
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How to deal with a society that is fixated on thinness and dieting.
Media Type:   Article
anorexia, eating disorders, bulimia, covid19, covid-19, coronavirus
Food, glorious food? Disordered eating in the pandemic 
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We should all be mindful of the challenges faced by people with established eating disorders and other difficult relationships with food that are more commonly associated with significant weight loss, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Media Type:   Article
anorexia, bulimia, eating disorder
Motherhood and Pregnancy in Lockdown
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How has Covid 19 impacted the mental health of new mothers and mums to be?
Media Type:   Article
coronavirus, covid19, covid-19, pregnancy, motherhood, parenting
Will Mental Illness be the Second Pandemic?
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When so many are experiencing the same distress or difficulty at what point do we stop calling it illness and recognise a shared experience we need to process?
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid-19, covid, coronavirus
Introducing HEADSTRONG! 
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The 21st Century world is vibrant, dynamic, exciting and inspiring - full of potential and possibility! But there’s plenty of pressure too - and real concerns for the rising generations who are showing increasing signs of mental and emotional ill-health.
Cybersecurity – protecting young people from online hatred 
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While racist bullying was previously confined to those environments, social media permits 24/7 access to images, posts and threads and now can extend into the bedroom, provided a young person has access to a smartphone.
Media Type:   Article
racism, bullying
Face Coverings Without Fear 
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As of 24 July, face coverings are compulsory in shops in England. What do you do if issues with anxiety, panic, past trauma, or mental health challenges make wearing a mask very difficult for you? Here are 5 steps to wearing a face-covering without fear.
Media Type:   Article
coronavirus, covid19, covid-19, covid, masks
Splashes of colour in a(another) grey day 
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How do you find hope in longer-term challenge? How do you find splashes of colour in yet another grey day? how does your brain sometimes make you feel things are much worse than they are in these moments?
Media Type:   Article
hope, perseverence, coronavirus, covid19, covid, covid-19
Even heroes get tired 
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Media Type:   Article
rest, burnout, wellbeing
The Search for Significance: A New Chapter 
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Will and Louie Van Der Hart share their news of new beginnings in London...
The Last Dance, Lance and legacy – further thoughts on racism 
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One of my many concerns is that young people will operate out of a position of fear; a fear that they will at some point risk being dragged down and their reputations destroyed when they inevitably make mistakes.
sport, racism, equality, legacy, blm, blacklivesmatter
School's out for ... Lockdown?! 
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With school still out for many, it's been described as a ‘national disaster’. But how much impact will this time out of school really have - and what can we do to minimise any negative effects?
coronavirus, covid19, covid-19, covid
Glum on a knife’s edge 
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This is not another story of forgetting and pushing down but rather a distressing acknowledgement of the reality of so very many people.
Slippers in the Snow
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A Hymn Writer and Poet shares words from one of her song’s on mental health
Media Type:   Article
poem, hymn
The Sanctuary Course
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A great new free online mental health course from Sanctuary Ministries
Have we replaced FOMO with FOGO?
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Whether it's gnawing fear, cycling worries or just a vague dis-ease at the thought of going out, as the rules that have governed our lives are lessened, have we swapped FOMO (fear of missing out) for FOGO (fear of going out)?
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid, coronavirus, fear
Learn to Lament 
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How do you intentionally and safely release and express the least welcome emotions like grief, sadness and loss? What do you do if an emotion feels so powerful that allowing it headspace might mean it overwhelms you?
Media Type:   Article
covid19, covid, coronavirus
The Healing Power of Kindness 
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There are medicines, therapies, treatments, and groups, but nothing universally changes the lives of people who are struggling with their mental health more than kindness.
kindness, mentalhealthawarenessweek
The Wake Up Call
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Can we use theses trying times to collectively 'wake up' and undergo a rite of passage?
Media Type:   Article
covid19, coronavirus
Divine Interruption 
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What have I been doing? I have been so busy doing what my schedule dictates that I have not considered the divine interruptions God has been offering me.
interruption, covid, covid19, coronavirus
Maternal Mental Health - Part 2
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Postnatal depression came as a shock for me. I was so excited for our baby to arrive and for my son to have a little sister.
postnatal, depression
Maternal Mental Health - Part 1
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Postnatal depression came as a shock for me. I was so excited for our baby to arrive and for my son to have a little sister.
mother, depression, postnatal
The Uncertainty
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Your mind will do anything to get away from uncertainty. There is almost nothing that troubles the human brain more than, ‘just no knowing’.
coronavirus, covid19, pain, worry, anxiety
Adrenaline Hangover 
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I have never travelled less and yet I have never felt more tired. Honestly, I am struggling to get past 9:30pm and It’s not a regular gentle sleep, but a sort of brutal exhaustion that comes down like the final curtain on a West End play.
coronavirus, covid19
Christian Formation at a Time of Coronavirus
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The Christian faith offers tremendous support and help in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.
Media Type:   Article
coronavirus, covid19
Eradicate Guilt 
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A couple of weeks into lockdown, it’s starting to sink in: this way of life is going to be for a while...
covid19, coronavirus
Covid-19: Unexpected Losses
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This isn’t the time for triumphalism or for simplistic anecdotes. Equally, it's not the moment to close our eyes to the ways in which we are being reformed in vulnerability, humility, gratitude, compassion, and community.
coronavirus, covid19
New Routines
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In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all having to adapt to ever-changing circumstances in a way and at a speed that we’ve never had to before.
coronavirus, covid19
Finding the inner cathedral of peace 
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One of the things I am helping folk with during this Coronavirus pandemic is how to handle heightened anxiety and stress. As a Baptist Minister, contemplative and psychotherapist I know this can be approached spiritually and therapeutically.
coronavirus, stress, anxiety, covid19
Managing Isolation
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Imposed social isolation probably wouldn't be anyone's choice - but it needn't be totally out of control. Here are 5 steps we can take to help us emotionally if we're having to isolate.
coronavirus, covid19
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If you're of an anxious disposition the Corona Virus outbreak is an emotional nightmare come true. How can we be both faith-filled and do everything we can to avoid getting sick?
coronavirus, covid19
Peace in Psychosis
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Finding God’s Peace in a Place of Psychosis. Why it's hard and 5 things that can help.
Media Type:   Article
10 tips for creating dementia friendly churches
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Dementia Friendly Churches are churches that include and welcome people with dementia. They offer people with dementia respect and dignity, and promote knowledge and awareness about dementia within the local community.
Media Type:   Article
dementia, alzheimers, church, friendly
Words Matter
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"Most of all, we need pastors and church leaders willing to admit that the Church doesn’t have all the answers."
Media Type:   Article
words, stigma, sanctuary
Adult reflections on childhood bereavement
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One woman's journey from losing her father to cancer aged 10.
Media Type:   Testimony
Did God hold me throughout my anorexia?
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"I know it isn’t going to always be plain sailing but I know with God by my side I will always be okay."
Mundane Rocks!
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Mundane is the same old reliable, familiar solid stuff that we take for granted. If you are going to make a resolution for this New Year, how about giving thanks for the regular stuff, the everyday, the routine. It's amazingly good!
Do you want to be well? 
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Do challenges around accessing good treatment and care mean happiness and health feel out of reach to some? What does an often unhelpfully quoted gospel story have to teach us about creating a culture where everyone gets the chance to thrive?
Spot the Difference 
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...between Severe Mental Illness and Demon Possession
Media Type:   Article
demon, healing, illness
Take a deep breath! 
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Finding peace amidst Christmas business.
Give a gift to someone in hospital
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What could you give this Christmas to someone who will be stuck on a mental health ward?
Media Type:   Article
christmas, gift
Wounds not scars 
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A friend asked me about what the difference was between scars and wounds this week. We were discussing what healing looked like for people with mental health issues.
Mental Health Bible Study
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This Bible Study is designed to be used in a small group, maybe as a way of introducing the topic in your church.
Treatments, bible study, bible, self help
Prison and Promise - The Challenge of Long-Term Illness
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Long term illness is understandably hard - but what is it about this cruellest of life's challenges that can have such a powerful impact on our emotional and mental wellbeing?
Surviving Me - Book Review
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A new book about suicide and hope. "Some books change lives: this might save them." - J John
Media Type:   Book Review
The Resilience Challenge
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How your church can help build resilience in your local community
Media Type:   Article
resilience, video, challenge
A Brief Theology of Mental Health
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A theology of mental health is rooted in 'The Suffering Victorious Christ'.
When feelings are far away 
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What do you do when you can’t feel emotions at all?
The Shame of Suicide 
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The shame of suicide is literally killing us. We cannot be passive about suicide any longer and we cannot wait in the vain hope that the most vulnerable in our communities will change the culture for us.
circles BW
Download audio and video from our 2019 conference
Media Type:   Events
Coast, beach
Wrestling with my thoughts
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A new book from IVP by a doctor who lives with psychosis
Jarrid Wilson was brave
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Responding to his recent death, Will explores how people might react
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Label people - or is there a better way?
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What is resilience and how can we develop it? Do you need adversity to develop resilience?
Media Type:   Article
resilience, prevention, youth
Alex's Story
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8 months ago, I was admitted to psychiatric hospital with a severe physical manifestation of anxiety and depression. My brain slowed down to a crawl, my short-term memory was completely shot, I could barely speak and was slurring my words, and when I read
When the monsters strike...
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Monsters often catch us in those quiet moments, and the night when we are exhausted and alone is the worst time to be ambushed. Here are 5 ways to manage them.
I can change...
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How humans change, what happens when we don’t or can’t change, and some ways to move forward
Media Type:   Article
change, I can change, psychology, science, theology
Far from their home
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We often see stories of people being sent hundreds of miles away for inpatient care. Is there a better way?
Breaking Isolation 
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We are made for relationships, for connection and to be in community with one another. This isn’t always easy but it’s reassuring to know that whatever we have been through others have also been through too...
Mental Health Friendly Churches
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What makes a church mental health friendly? Some criteria to measure yours by...
Media Type:   Article
mental health, friendly, safe place
Experiencing Postpartum Psychosis
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Over 1300 women experience PP each year in the UK (1 to 2 in every 1000 deliveries). It can be hard to find high quality information about PP.
Media Type:   Testimony
testimonies, psychosis, post-natal, baby, mother
BDD Treatments
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What works [and doesn't work] for Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Media Type:   Article
bdd, body image, body dysmorphic disorder, MHAW
Is Self love enough? 
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Figures released for Mental Health Awareness Week show so many people struggle with issues around body image. But is self love alone a solution? What does the Bible - and the song 'This is me' have to do with this?
Media Type:   Article
body image, anxiety, depression, MHAW
Nizam Speaks
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‘Some say that you’re a Christian, so you shouldn’t feel depressed. But I guess, they haven’t read the Psalms in depth’. A video for Mental Health Awareness Week
nizamspeaks, depression, MHAW
Psychological Strength
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How do we grow and find out who we are? Psychological and Spiritual models. Notes from our seminar at the HTB Alpha Leadership Conference.
Media Type:   Article
psychological strength, personality, strength, myers briggs, enneagram, belbin, maturity
Breaking the chain of linked emotions
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In essence; people worry about failure, then feel desperately guilty when they perceived that they have failed and determine to get everything right from there on (perfectionism).
Overcoming Isolation
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Belongingness is a glue that our society desperately needs if we are to overcome our isolation. It is God’s gift to us; to know that we uniquely belong to him and within the world and it’s our most potent weapon in the fight against loneliness.
Becoming Safe Spaces for Unsafe Feelings
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As a psychotherapist and church leader I have often found that therapeutic spaces can be safer for people with mental health issues than church. Church can seem like an environment where only certain ‘Christian’ behaviors are acceptable...
In The Deep End
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Top university swimming coach and friend of Mind and Soul Foundation Steve Lazaraton shares his long battles with depression and anxiety whilst achieving professional success.
My 6 Year Journey Out Of Depression
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Recovering from my depression has given me a new sense of empathy for the mental health of those around me.
Media Type:   Article
Mindfulness and Mental Health
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Slides from Rob's talk at the National Mindfulness Day in Edinburgh
Media Type:   Article
mindfulness, national mindfulness day
LifeCare - a course for your church
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A new 'course in a book' from Sol Skaff developed over many years
Media Type:   Article
Book Review
course, lifecare
Turning off the Anxiety Tap 
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When your body is flooded with too much anxiety it is hard to know what to do. Here are a few thoughts and ideas on how you can turn things around...
Bathing in Dirty Rivers
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A pastor from the US speaks about his depression and what he told his church
Media Type:   Article
depression, pastor, Namaan
The Power of Belonging - Out now!
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Check out this new book by Will Vanderhart and Rob Waller - a must read!
belonging, vulnerability, shame, insecurity
Hearing Voices
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Are voice hearers responding to illness or hearing the voice of God. This new book maintains that an easy distinction is probably not possible.
voices, hearing voices, psychosis
The Thrive Talks
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A series of talks by Dr Kate Middleton given at Soul Survivor Watford on emotions and how to manage them, as well as other aspects of mental health such as sleep, confidence and resilience
thrive, emotions
The Manager's Guide to Mental Health
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How to lead and line manage others who experience mental illness. Seminar and Slides
Media Type:   Article
work, leadwell, manager, line management, employee, employment
Tracking well? - or going off the tracks? 
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Wearable tech and apps are increasingly popular when it comes to monitoring activity, sleep and even eating. But are there some things we need to be cautious about with these apps when it comes to our mental health?
fitbit, tracking, depression, anxiety, perfectionism, eating disorders, failure, obsessions
Springtime Anxieties
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How are you feeling with the new yaer having started. For most of us, the old anxieties are still there!
Media Type:   Article
Book Review
worry, guilt, perfectionism
MPower Training
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One Day training and a course from Mercy UK
Media Type:   Events
MPower, MercyUK, Mercy
A mind maintained
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Skills Paul has learnt from over 25 years on medication
Media Type:   Testimony
psychosis, medication, mind
5 Spiritual Lies Depression Will Tell You..
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For Christians, depression can feel distinctively ‘spiritual’ and will provoke significant anxiety around the quality of a person’s faith. Here are 5 common ‘spiritual‘ lies that we see forming in a depressed Christian…
depression, anxiety, christian, mental health, mental illness
Who is the Real Jesus?
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Some people believe they are Jesus because they are ill. Some people just don't believe the Truth
jesus, psychosis, christmas, psychotic
My mindful journey
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Dealing with unemployment and uncertainty led Richard to explore Christian Mindfulness
mindfulness, work, unemployment
Fieldnote Cards
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Find the right card to send to someone who is emotionally distressed
Two Mindfulness events in 2019
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Information and booking links for two events we are part of on Christian Mindfulness
Media Type:   Events
mindfulness, national mindfulness day
Christianity and Mental Health - a brief update   
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There has been some significant shifts in Christian culture towards a more sympathetic narrative around mental health but there is still a long way to go. Mental health is certainly not treated with parity to physical health issues...
How then shall we pray?
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A video to challenge unhelpful ways to pray. How then shall we pray?
Media Type:   Video
pray, video, how then shall we pray
Blue- Keeping the peace and falling to pieces
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John Sutherland has served as a Metropolitan Police officer for 25 years...He was the outstanding recruit in his training school intake and rose through the ranks to become a highly respected senior officer. John had a breakdown 5 years ago...
Lead Well Conference 2018
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Audio is now available from this Conference
Media Type:   Events
conference, leadership, leading, wellness, health, mental health
Preventing and reducing suffering
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How could churches help prevent mental distress and reduce it when it is present?
Media Type:   Article
prevention, church, answers
Who pastors the pastors?
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Mind and Soul helped recruit participants for a research project looking at how church leaders manage the emotions of those they pastor.
Media Type:   Article
pastor, leaders, emotions
Mindfulness Talks
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Our three talks from the National Mindfulness Day for Christians in May 2018 are now available for download
Understanding Self Harm (ARCHIVE)
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New figures suggest as many as 1/5 of teens have self harmed - but what is self harm, why do they do it - and how can we help?
self harm, teenagers, depression, anxiety
The Wake of Suicide
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Thoughts after a sister lost her life
Media Type:   Article
suicide, work
Wellbeing in Leadership
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How to lead for the long haul and stay emotionally healthy as a leader
Media Type:   Article
leader, leadership, wellbeing, burnout
Learning to Breathe
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Mind and Soul Associate and founder of Think Twice Rachael Newham launches her brilliant new book Learning to Breathe. It is her story into, and out of, the darkness of depression and how God can find us and rescue us even in the most desperate of places.
Seeing in the Dark
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Why one Pastor wrote some Biblical Meditations for people dealing with depression
Media Type:   Testimony
Book Review
book, meditations, bible
Let's go for mental health
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A resource written for churches and the story behind it
Media Type:   Article
church, course
What is self-care and how do we do it? 
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Self care is a new buzz word and a great antidote to stress. But what is it and how do we do it?
self-care, stress, relaxation
On The Edge
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The male suicide crisis and coronation street
suicide, male, coronation street
The Greatness of Group Therapy
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Other mentally ill people see me as I really am and there is no hiding! It is humbling but ultimately helpful...
Media Type:   Article
group, group therapy, therapy
Six Things About Resilience and Wellbeing 
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We live in an age of stress, exhaustion and loneliness. Rates of anxiety and depression are higher than ever. Many people live in a perpetual state of ‘overdrive’, never feeling they have enough time.
Sexual Abuse: Times Up?
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Shame And Disempowerment are core themes that can be addressed
Media Type:   Article
25 years ago
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This Easter I was made redundant after a long period of mental ill health...
Media Type:   Testimony
easter, redundant, job
Learning from Jesus' compassion
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How wonderful it would be if we could we follow Jesus in His compassion, and show acceptance, care and love.
Media Type:   Book Review
compassion, book review