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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Giving to The Mind and Soul Foundation

In 2005 when Mind and Soul launched, we were just a couple of friends trying to say something about mental health and our Christian faith! We could never have known how things would grow and develop over the next 10 years and beyond. Thanks to the grace of God and the encouragement of you all, we now carry the responsibility of having a significant impact on thinking around mental health and Christian spirituality here in the UK (and increasingly overseas).

Over the last few years we have been able to use some really kind donations to develop resources like the Access Pack, The Stuff of Life and our new-look website. But we would like to do even more and have plans for an App and a Social Media coordinator role.

Thank you so much for taking the time to consider this request.

MASF Team Presentation

Will, Kate and Rob, The Mind and Soul Foundation Directors

You can give online or by post. Use the online giving link below to set up a fundraising page.

Give or Fundraise Online

Give securely online via our account at, as a one-off gift or set up regular donations, and claim back Gift Aid.

If you want to raise funds for us, for example at a charity event, you can use this website to build a fundraising page that you can easily share with people.

If you want to make a payment direct from your bank and don't want to use then our bank details are below:
Sort Code: 20-43-63
Account No: 10377538

IBAN: GB71 BUKB 2043 6310 3775 38


Postal Donations

Please post your donation (cheques payable to 'The Mind and Soul Foundation') to our registered office: 11 Glentham Gardens, Barnes, London SW13 9JN.

If you are a taxpayer, for every £1 you donate to us, we can get an extra 28p at no extra cost to you. Please print and complete the Gift Aid Declaration Form below and post it to us with your donation. Download our Gift Aid Form.

Every donation is hugely valuable to us and is carefully handled by out treasurer and board of trustees. We are particularly grateful for people who give regularly by Standing Order as it enables us to plan our finances better over the course of the year. Equally we are so grateful to churches who decide to partner with us by offering us part of their collection on the Sunday closest to World Mental Health Day. In fact a monthly gift from as little as £5 would allow The Mind and Soul Foundation to help us continue our work. We would like to invite you to prayerfully consider supporting our work financially and have mapped out several practical ways of doing this in the links below.

It is important that you know that none of the directors have ever received an income from the Mind and Soul Foundation. In fact, we have largely funded the work ourselves. It has been our joy to do this because we believe so passionately in the inclusion and full participation of people struggling with mental health issues in the church.

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