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Articles (6 found)

relationships Embedded in Relationship 
Whether Olympian or Church Leader, relationships impact our well-being in both positive and negative ways, increasing stress or enhancing resilience. more ...
Kathryn Kissell
barren desert Why Relationships Matter
Long term mental ill-health can feel like being lost in a desert. But how can our relationships help those desperately thirsty for hope and relief? more ...
Kate Middleton
head full Relationships, the Jesus prayer and anxiety
How do relationships support us when we are struggling emotionally? And how can mindful prayers help us develop a relationship with Jesus that can carry us through times of distress? more ...
Revd Shaun Lambert
RubikTangle3x3Solution Ministry When We Can't Relate...
Many leaders struggle to minister to those suffering with mental health issues because they feel that they cannot relate. But is that a good reason to hold back? more ...
Christy Wimber
growth A GROWTH plan
How can we strive for growth? Look for growth in Grace, Relationships, Overflow, Wisdom, Truth and Health more ...
Rob Waller
logo square 300 Putting Mind and Soul into Mental Health Science
Western science privileges matter over mind, giving us not just bad science but also care systems and even a society that is at risk of becoming “soulless” more ...
Martin Seagar