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Articles (2 found)

AP16164335437168-1280x960 Evil is not Madness
Is the Orlando Massacre sickening evil or can we join the press in blaming it on 'Bipolar Disorder'? Mental Health Stigma at its worst... more ...
The Mind and Soul Team
headroom Headroom (Scotland 2012)
Edinburgh Saturday 3rd November 2012 - our first scottish conference more ...

Media (1 found)

Why am I so unhappy?Kate Middleton
Main AV Folder
Length:1 hour 0 minute
Growing up in the 21st century is not easy. Many teenagers regularly find themselves struggling with emotions and moods which feel overwhelming and out of control. Increasing numbers become caught in cycles of behaviour which can cause them even more difficulty - self harm, substance abuse, risky behaviour and problems with eating and body image. But why are they so prone to these problems? What is it about growing up in our modern culture, which makes them so much at risk? And how can we help them to
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