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Articles (5 found)

Homework Emotional Health + Home Working 
Working from home sounded like some futuristic utopia; discarding the stresses of work commutes, we would wake up late and finish early. Propping up our laptops on our pillows we would chill through online conference calls wearing sports gear... more ...
Will Van Der Hart
HammersmithBridgeLondon Bridges as Boundaries
Bridges as often used as a metaphor for caring ministry. Whether you are caring for others or just trying to look after yourself better, here are a few thoughts about the importance of health boundaries. more ...
boundaries Boundaries in Pastoral Care
So, you’re a church leader. And you’re involved in pastoral care. But what exactly are ‘boundaries’ and how can they help you, and the people you work with? more ...
Kate Middleton
Working in the Grey Areas
what does it mean to work as a psychologist in a church setting with non of the usual boundaries that psychologists are used to having? more ...
Kate Middleton
Opinion and Hubris
When am I dispensing pearls of wisdom and when am I merely enjoying the sound of my own voice? And how can I tell... more ...
Rob Waller